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Thursday, 8 September 2011

Some Cold Hard Reality

Your voice steady, you tell them that if your benefits are cut you will kill yourself, that you are both in debt, barely scraping by, and that you would have no other option. You ask them not to take away the little dignity they have left you with - the ability to (barely) feed and clothe yourselves, to keep a roof over your heads.
Disabled Medic, Medical student + stick

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Atos Healthcare Sackings

Anthony Treasure formally
employed by Atos Healthcare.
Nurse Debbie Carr and admin worker Anthony Treasure are seeing life from the benefit scrounging scum perspective this evening, following their sacking from Atos Healthcare.

The pair were discovered on Facebook calling the sick and disabled “down and outs” and “parasitic wankers”.

The incidents were widely reported in the mainstream press and came shortly before the Government's de-benefitting boot-boys attempted to shut up a bunch of whining cripples by sending them threatening letters.

Source: DWP FoI Request Answer