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Tuesday, 16 August 2011

ATOS Register of Shame

ATOS Healthcare recently bullied a disabled woman into removing her "ATOS Register of Shame" website from the Net.

This is video is a tribute to her and all the other disability activists working to document the shameful work of ATOS Healthcare - the company employed by the UK government to massively reduce the welfare budget.

Google will give you the background, while I continue to prepare for my Grand Day (week (or two)) Out to the High Court in London to get close up and personal with several expert witnesses and a transatlantic Super Injunction...


  1. Poverty Pimps ATOS Origin are the real parasites ! , the LIMA software was developed by UNUM Provident who ran disability denial factories in the States , unfortunately a class action was taken out against them , they were banned from operating in three states ...deemed to be criminals . 

    Meanwhile back in Blighty , UNUM were behind the targeted quasi academic research and dated 90's fake science which has been  behind all the Government schemes with their fake medicals . 

    ATOS Origin are just a IT firm , they hired " HCPs " for the sham medicals to give them a very superficial credibility . 

    They and their ilk with government and media assistance ,  have got everybody squabbling amongst themselves :  whilst they're laughing all the way to the bank .

    I've respect for the real red in tooth and claw outfits , there was innovation , risk taking , entrepreneurism etc which you won't find with this pretend capitalism ...more socialism in reverse or just socialism for banks and ATOS with these rackets . 

    I and my colleagues have had the misfortune to deal with this shoddy , amateurish outfit as a OHS . Their paperwork is absolutely riddled with errors , begging more questions than answers and contradictory . 

  2. @3a65c2064c0d7d9cda097d4cfa705ec7:disqus I'm glad your back up and running... The others sites that have been hit over the past couple of days are also being reconstructed. We are working on a network of safe-haven servers... I am currently talking to a very nice Russian teenager who is going to host a back-up of our videos and artwork. Others will be hosting other material in other jurisdictions. 

  3. NORBET UNUM has been a leading promoter of the Social Model of Disability - something that has come in for much criticism from The New Republic over the years - despite originally supporting the concept.
    It doesn't surprise that such a superficially attractive concept can be co-opted and repackaged as government policy... It's what the USA's political system does best, after all.

    ATOS Origin are just a IT firm , they hired " HCPs " for the sham medicals to give them a very superficial credibility . 

    A very important point. It would explain the lack of empathy from their staff.

